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Recent Colorado Updates

Eagle Vail Stadium
750 Eagle Rd, Vail, CO 81657
Dicks Sporting Goods Park
6000 Quebec Pkwy, Commerce City, CO 80022
Traylor Elementary School
2900 S Ivan Way, Denver, CO 80227
Bates Hobart Park
2900 S Ivan Way, Denver, CO 80227
Summit View Elementary School
10200 S Piedmont Dr, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126-5500
Summit High School
16201 Highway 9 S, Frisco, CO 80443
Tavelli Elementary School
1118 Miramont Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Fossil Ridge High School
5400 Ziegler Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80528-9524


3,437 Soccer Fields in 20 states
1,382 Baseball Fields in 18 states
395 Football Fields in 16 states
316 Lacrosse Fields in 13 states
8 Futsal Fields in 2 states
11 Rugby Fields in 5 states
63 Cricket Grounds in 10 states


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The directory of youth and recreational Soccer, Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, Futsal, Rugby, and Cricket fields in the USA.

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